I would like to welcome you to St. Louis Service Women’s Post 404. We are a dynamic group of women veterans who are here to support women veterans and our community. We do so by the camaraderie we have as group who have served honorably in the United States military.
Post 404 advocates for women veterans in the following ways: We assist women veterans in need by directing them to resources that will help them best. We have the collective knowledge to serve women veterans in search of assistance and a “home” where they are understood and provide several social events each year. Most importantly, we hope to be that place where our members can both serve and be served.
We support the children and youth of our community through various programs such as the following: providing scholarships, recognizing the achievement of young men and women serving in Junior ROTC and providing tuition for women to attend Missouri Girls State. We also have members of our post who participate in History Alive programs at local high schools. Our members are sought out by local schools where students learn and ask questions about their service in the military. These programs help to educate our youth of the importance of service to our country.
Post 404 has an active Military Funeral Honor Guard that conducts full military funeral honors under the auspices of the Missouri National Guard. The Honor Guard also participates in patriotic observances throughout the metropolitan area.
Our Post 404 is an organization of women veterans with many talents that come together to support each other. While we do many meaningful projects, we also have fun. We have a lot to offer, so I hope you will check us out!
Happy New Year

Feb 15 0930 Unit 404 Meeting
1030 Post 404 Meeting
Mar 15 0930 Unit 404 Meeting
1030 Post 404 Meeting

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